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TRMM-PR Precipitation System (PR-PS) Dataset Ver. 2.2

The dataset is formally referred to as the TRMM-PR captured Precipitation System (PR-PS) Version 2.2 Dataset (Hirose et al. 2009, JMSJ; Hirose et al. 2017, JAMC and JC)*. This gridded database was compiled on the basis of long-term mean monthly or hourly** statistics of estimated surface rainfall rate from TRMM PR 2A25. Version 2.2*** dataset is made for TRMM PR v.7 during 1998-2013. The spatial resolution is set to be 0.1 degree over the global tropics (180W-180E, 37S-37N)****.

The following datasets are now available:

  • Rmo: Long-term mean rainfall for each month
  • Rlt : Long-term mean rainfall for each local time
  • Rpsmo: Same as Rmo but for scale-based PR-PSs (Small, Medium, and Large PR-PSs)
  • Rpslt: Same as Rlt but for scale-based PR-PSs.

* PR-PS is determined as in the contiguous region of rainfall . The statistics are grouped into three categories, i.e., small, medium, and large scale by an equivalent diameter of the rainfall area of less than 10 km, 10-100 km, and greater than 100km, respectively
** For example, first hourly bin indicates 0-1LT.
** Check the release note (テキスト570B)
 Note that the high-resolution rainfall data does not ensure the sampling sufficiency and retrieval errors. Please refer to Hirose et al. (2017, JAMC and JC) and explore the data sufficiency from spatially and temporally coherent signals.

Ultra-high-resolution TRMM PR Precipitation Dataset Ver.1

Surface rainfall data are prepared at 0.01-deg scale on the basis of 16 years of TRMM PR 2A25 v.7 data (Hirose and Okada 2018, JAMC).


Hirose, M., Y. N. Takayabu, A. Hamada, S. Shige, and M. K. Yamamoto, 2017a: Spatial contrast of geographically induced rainfall observed by TRMM PR. J. Climate, 30, 4165-4184, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0442.1.

Hirose, M., Y. N. Takayabu, A. Hamada, S. Shige, and M. K. Yamamoto, 2017b: Impact of long-term observation on the sampling characteristics of TRMM PR precipitation. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 56, 713-723, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0115.1.

Hirose, M. and K. Okada, 2018: A 0.01° Resolving TRMM PR Precipitation Climatology. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 57, 1645-1661, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-17-0280.1.



How to use

Data download

Registered users can download PR-PS datasets. The password and latest information will be sent via E-mail . Users are encouraged to check back routinely for additional upgrades.
When a paper that uses the products is published, please email the citation to the dataset creator, Masafumi Hirose ( to better understand the further requirements across the use community


Each file archives 0.1-degree (0.01-degree) gridded rainfall data [mm/h] of 3600*740 (36000*7300) little-endian REAL*4 values. The details of datasets of RmoNew Window, RltNew Window, RpsmoNew Window, and RpsltNew Window are described in the correspoinding GrADS control files, respectively.


imagemap manual

The page provides maps of monthly or hourly rainfall on the basis of the PR-PS v.2 dataset. Check the pull down menu for the following types (1) and move the slide bar (3).

  1. Type Selector: All rain, Small PR-PSs, Medium PR-PSs, and Large PR-PSs and temporal variations.
  2. Time Indicator: show Monthly mean, Hourly mean, you selected.
  3. Time Slider: Set the time using slider.
  4. Zoom Slider: Set the map scale.
  5. Opacity Slider: Set the image map opacity.
  6. Map Selector: Change Satellite, Terrain or Map image.

3D rain map using webGL (Cesium Ver.): A 3D view is implemented. Check "Rainmap (Cesium Ver.)" and select "Ultra High Resolution: Rainfall climatology at a 0.01-deg scale". Please refer to the help menu in the upper right corner. In addition, you can change opacity, terrain height scale, and hue rotation.